I believe

in creating meaningful relationships and finding common ground with those who have differing viewpoints. In short, I value people over politics.

Sharing Our Values

A Conservative Champion for North Central Indiana

  • Pro-Life
  • Pro-2nd Amendment
  • Protecting Personal Liberty
  • Fighting for Taxpayers


Jake Teshka is getting results for us!

Empowering Parents and Supporting Local Schools

Jake will always vote to give parents the ability to choose the best education for their children.  He supported a record funding increase for local schools in 2021. This year, he worked to guarantee transparency for Hoosier parents and ensure that divisive curriculum like CRT has no place in Indiana schools.


Helping Hoosier Taxpayers

Because of Jake Teshka’s leadership, Indiana will return $545 million to Hoosiers in the form of a taxpayer refund in 2022. Jake also co-authored a bill this year to reduce taxes by over $1 billion, the largest tax cut in Indiana history.


Defending the Lives of the Unborn

Jake is a Pro-Life champion and will never stop fighting to protect the unborn. Thanks to Jake’s leadership, Indiana is ranked the most Pro-Life state in the Midwest. Jake is proud to be endorsed by Indiana Right to Life.


Protecting Individual Liberties

Jake voted to ban government-issued vaccine passports and safeguard Hoosiers from vaccine mandates.  He also helped ensure religious activities are considered essential during any future states of emergency and voted to ensure Hoosiers can visit loved ones in hospitals and health care facilities during health emergencies.

Committee to Elect Jake Teshka

Your contributions will help greatly in allowing me to serve as your voice in Indianapolis. Will you donate $10, $25, $100, or any amount that you are able, to help me fight for a better tomorrow for the 7th District?


Click the DONATE button below and let's join together to make it happen.